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Upgrading. Downtime. Maintenance. Unforeseen Costs.
Hardware Obsolescence. Implementation Issues.

The litany of headaches related to the implementation and on-going care needed to deploy a new solution are enough to make even the savviest of companies want to engage in anything but another software implementation. We understand your concerns and provide a solution.

1. Faster Return on Investment

From an initial ROI perspective, Livehelper shortens time-to-value by eliminating software implementation and cost issues and over the longer term, Livehelper users need not ever implement software upgrades, pay for maintenance, or add hardware. The net effect is to keep total cost of ownership in check.

The hosted model lowers risk, simplifies licensing, eases deployment, encourages innovation, and decreases costs, all of which result in faster return on investment, lower total cost of ownership, reduced risk, and the flexibility that you need to successfully compete in today's fast-moving business climate.

2. Reliability and 100% Uptime Guarantee

Other competitors products and installed solutions leave you susceptible to downtime for updates, server maintenance and other unforeseen problems but the Livehelper solution is different. Our service is completely load balanced from network to database. That means a firewall or server can fail and you will never notice, our network automatically reroutes requests and notifies our staff so the problem can be fixed. Our network design also allows us to release updates and add new features with no downtime.  All of this enables Livehelper to Guarantee Customers 100% Uptime*.

*Subject to Livehelper SLA(Service Level Agreement)


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